Are You a Starseed?

Here at Ascension17, we are here to assist you in understanding who and what you are and your place in the universe.

Maybe you have heard the term “Starseed,” but don’t really know what it means or even more importantly, what it may mean for you.

(Picture: Ella Byworth for

(Picture: Ella Byworth for

As an infinite being of light, you have had other lifetimes and other experiences besides the reality you are currently in.

Starseed beings come from other star systems in the universe and have chosen to come to Earth to assist Earth and its inhabitants in its evolution and ascension. When you come into a physical body, you pass through the veil of amnesia and forget who you are.

This is essential for most people in order for them to focus on their current mission and purpose, balance karma and learn specific lessons in order for the soul to grow.

When the time is right, which is different for everyone, parts of the veil are lifted and you become more and more aware of your true nature and origin. 

If you are a Starseed, the benevolent extraterrestrial beings from other star systems are like spiritual parents and you have DNA and coding within your body that gets activated at the proper time and place for you.

You may have heard of beings such as the Pleiadians, the Hathors, Arcturians, Andromedans, Tall Whites and the Grays. These are some examples of ET groups.

I first became aware of the Pleiadians in the year 2009, after I had been reading as a professional palm reader for about a year.

It is not uncommon for a client to approach me with recommendations in books or modalities, since this is part of what I do. I remember one client telling me that she recommended a book called The Reconnection, by Dr. Eric Pearl. 

This book is about “energy” healing and how to activate it within yourself, and being Pleiadian in origin. I ended up reading it and I had quite a profound experience while I was reading.

There is a point in the book where the author describes being able to feel the frequencies. I put the book down and held up my hands. I remember thinking,

I wonder if this will really work, but I guess I’ll give it a try.

At that moment, I felt a rush of energy getting sucked into my left hand, and then in my right hand. You know the feeling of your hands or arms “falling asleep” and they get tingly? This is what it felt like. And this feeling didn’t go away for many days.

I had already known about energy healing from having practiced Qigong for many years, but this was definitely a new experience. I ended up training and certifying in this modality and have been using it since 2010.

Since then, I have known that I have a special connection with the Pleiadians and that I am a Starseed here to assist with the ascension.

More recently I had a past life regression where I wanted to know where I come from. The answer that came through was, “the stars, the Pleiades, my ancestry.”

In that session, the symbol of the blue rose was placed in my heart, a symbol of beauty, strength and healing. This symbol is one that I use to assist others in their ascension. It is a peaceful Pleiadian symbol.

Here are some other indicators that may help you know if you are a Starseed too.

Are you fascinated with the night sky and the stars? Starseeds typically enjoy looking at the night sky.

Do you feel like you are just visiting Earth, but your home may be somewhere else? Starseeds may feel like this and wonder where they could be from. Chances are likely you have spent more time elsewhere than just Earth.

Are you a very sensitive person and have trouble with violence and meanness? Starseeds are typically pure of heart and have a hard time understanding or dealing with people who are not nice, yet it is not uncommon for them to attract some of these difficult people into their lives.

Do you wonder about life on other planets in other galaxies and have a desire to make contact? Starseeds are open to alternative existences and experiences. It is common for them to believe in angels, fairies, elementals, ET’s and other types of life. They are usually open to exploring metaphysical topics and modalities.

Do you feel like an outcast? Starseeds often feel like the black sheep and may find it hard to fit in. They may feel uncomfortable talking about certain subjects for fear of ridicule.

Do you believe that your life holds a special purpose? Starseeds know that they are here for a reason and may spend a greater than average amount of time searching for the truth.

If you answer yes to most or all of these questions, you are most definitely a Starseed!

Now that you know, you know you are also in the right place and are fully supported in your personal pathway.


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