Connect to the Cosmic Heart

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I choose to embody love this day and every day.

When you make this simple proclamation, you are automatically connecting to the cosmic heart, which is the love of All That Is, the love of the divine. When you ARE love, you will have love. It can be no other way, because it is you. When you make this choice, you may not see the effects, but they resonate across the entire universe. You DO make a difference just with your existence and choice to be love. You are a powerful co-creator and a force for love. Choose love and love will choose you and what you focus on expands. This is one of the laws of the universe.

To unite yourself more fully with the cosmic heart, here is a short invocation you can say out loud or to yourself. You may also try it when you hold your hands over your heart.

I let go of all that is not love

And embrace my Higher Self from above

I choose to remember the truth of who I Am

And reconnect to the Greater Plan

That only love is real

My voice kisses this to seal

When you enter into the realm of the cosmic heart, you may feel a shift in your energy. This will also help you to recognize what is love and what is not love in your life.


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