Dealing with Energy Vampires

This topic is associated with the Palmistry Tarot card, the 7 of Earth, Zone of Boundaries. What is an energy vampire? This person is someone who is toxic, who puts you down, doesn’t listen to you, complains, gossips and sucks all the positive life force energy out of you. Have you ever experienced someone like this in your life? You’ll know it if you feel tired after seeing someone, or have that icky feeling like someone just energetically vomited all over you. I know I’ve had this happen to me on occasion. Rather than feeling uplifted after an interaction, instead you feel like you would rather not be around that person anymore. The Zone of Boundaries card is asking you to pay attention to who it is you are hanging out with and who are the people in your energy field. We have what’s called “quantum entanglement” where our energy meshes with other people’s energy. It’s very important to protect yourself from these energy vampires.

Are you vulnerable to energy vampires?

You can actually see in your own hands whether or not you are more vulnerable than the average person to energy vampires. The first thing to check is how soft your hands are. If you have naturally very soft skin, this shows that you are a sensitive person and pick up on other people’s energies quite easily.

Another thing to check is your hand shape, if you have water hands, you are more susceptible. Water hands are people with long fingers and a rectangular palm.

The third way to check is if you have the minor lines called girdles of Venus. These lines show up just underneath the middle and ring fingers and form a half-moon shape just under these fingers, like a ring. They will oftentimes be broken and in multiples. If you have these minor lines, it shows you are very sensitive and should stay away from negative people.

The fourth way to check is to examine your heart line. This is the major line located under the fingers beginning under the little finger. Look for a water heart line, it will curve gently toward the index finger and stop somewhere under this finger. If you have a water heart line, you are very giving and expressive.

The fifth item to check for is a radial loop on the Jupiter or index finger. It is a fingerprint that resembles a wave and it opens up to the thumb side of the hand rather than the little finger side of the hand. It is much less common than the ulnar loop and shows an openness to others.

Of course we also want to look at the zone of boundaries, as the tarot card indicates. This is located as the lower phalange of the index finger. When it appears weak, small or with horizontal lines, it shows someone who is more prone to boundary violations.

Here are some ideas on how you can protect yourself from energy vampires. One of the best ways is to use the crystal black tourmaline, it is a crystal of protection. It is inexpensive and easy to find at any crystal shop. You can place it on your desk or in your pocket or put it in a crystal grid.

You can call on Archangel Michael, he is the archangel of protection and is happy to assist you if you call on him.

You can also place a protective energy field around you and envision a protective bubble that bounces other people’s energy away from you.

Of course, the best way is to avoid being around these types of people altogether or extricate yourself if you happen to accidentally find yourself around one. Pay attention to the people in your life and notice how they make you feel. Surround yourself with positive people and you will feel more positive yourself.


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