How to Leave Your Past Behind

Do you ever struggle with the past? Do you sometimes feel like it may be holding you back? I recently channeled a message from the Pleiadians and here is what they said about it.

We are the Pleiadian Council of L.I.G.H.T., Loving Illumination of God's Holographic Transmissions. We are part of you and you are a part of us. A hologram, a whole contained in the part. A pathway of divine energy to be expressed as an “individual.” This is a challenging concept to understand. This is why we show you the image of the fractal, a repeating pattern that gets smaller and smaller for all eternity. You are a part of this pattern. You are part of the weaving of the cosmic tapestry of divine light. The choices you make on Earth radiate out of this pattern to impact the entire universe.

We would like you to understand the importance you all have and the power to reverberate love into the field, for now it's a time of renewal, a time of rebirth and a time of remembrance. It is time for you to remember the truth of your nature, your divine nature.

It is time to drop the false identities of smallness, insignificance, helplessness, the time is now to remember your placement and in the cosmic pattern of All That Is.

That you have invited us to speak as a grateful blessing for we would very much like to share what we can with you and those who are ready to hear the truth. There are many still in the very convincing illusion of separation and agony of distress. We will give you some protocols for you to do to assist in slowly cracking the shell. For if the shell is cracked too quickly, it can lead to further psychological or physical damage to the delicate human form. This is why we don't just appear and speak to everyone. There's too much risk and too many still who are trapped inside their created illusions.

Illusion can be broken down as a word: I-lus-i-on, or “I lose connection with the One.” it is important to begin to slowly reconnect for all who feel and realize this temporary disconnect can build an awareness of this temporary situation.

What are the steps to reconnecting with the One? Step one is to reject the lies you have believed to be true all your breathing days on earth, that you are alone or you are anything less than divine energy in an individual form. Step two is to recognize this in all others. Earth is a playground of choice, a way to experience the physical body and all of the sensations of time, space and Illusion of time moving only forward as you reconnect with your true nature we you will realize that you can heal anything from any timeline past or future.

Would you like to heal your past once and for all now?

Close your eyes. See yourself as nothing but light, the brilliant white light, like staring straight at the sun, your current Earth star. Let this light go to your infinite “past” and shine on everything you've ever done or “failed” to do. Let it show you that you are this divine light. All that happened or didn't happen was part of your choice to be an individual expression of the divine. All of it had purpose. All of it had function. There is no judgment on any of it. Only when we hold on to judgment does it remain in our field and tether us to restriction. Release judgment to be free again to reconnect to the One. Repeat this intention out loud or to yourself:

I release all judgments of what I have done or what I have not done in all lifetimes past, present and future. I am free, I am free, I am free to be divine love expressing through this individual entity.

And so it is.


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